Aquarium Installation Service
Our trained professionals come to our customers' homes when it is convenient for them to perform routine cleaning and repair services. Our staff takes pride in providing the best possible aquarium installation service by arriving on time, cleaning up our messes, and answering your questions. We also offer free consultations if you need one. Whether you need a home or a commercial fish tank, these magical aquatic exhibits provide a genuinely captivating glimpse of the underwater world surrounding us.
Meeting Customers' Needs
We first consult with the customer to determine whether freshwater is the best option for each specific application. The aquarium (and, in most cases, the base) is then built to our specifications by one of our trusted vendors. After installing the tank, we can provide a contractor to apply finish carpentry to the bottom and top canopy. Next, the life support system (filter) is installed, or we can work with your contractor to ensure aesthetically pleasing access to the filtration components.

Professional Installation
We will supply all necessary equipment and parts. Our technicians will deliver and install your aquarium and assemble and test all plumbing and equipment. Sand and live rock can also be added to the aquarium if desired. We will clean your fish tank and the nearby areas so that you can begin stocking it. Everything will be in a position to ensure our aquarium installation service is a pleasure for many years to come by the time our team cuts the first piece of glass.